We offer a variety of yoga styles at Sundari Yoga Studio. You will find more detailed information about the various styles of yoga we offer so that you may make an informed decision of which types of yoga to experience with us.
View the schedule of Yoga Classes here: https://sundariyogastudio.com/schedule/
See the calendar of “Special Events” here: http://sundariyogastudio.com/events/
- Drop-in $10.00
- 10-Class for $85.00 (1-year Expiration)
Yoga Classes:
- Amrit Yoga
- Amrit Vinyasa Yoga
- Hatha Yoga
- Sivananda Yoga
- Yin Yoga
- Beginning/Intermediate Yoga
- Iyengar Yoga
- Gentle Yoga & Legs up the Wall
- Chair Yoga
- Gentle Floor Yoga (info coming soon!)
- Hatha Yoga & Meditation (info coming soon!)
- Hatha Flow Yoga
Event Classes:
- Guided Yoga Nidra

Amrit Yoga:
Amrit yoga connects yoga practice with its ancient roots and fundamental principals that are at the core of all branches of yoga. By adding the mental and spiritual disciplines of Raja Yoga, inwardly focused attention and meditative awareness, Amrit Yoga combines the strengths of Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga into one system.
Amrit Yoga uses the body as an entry point to explore, experience and release physical and emotional blocks that prevent us from tapping into the source of the infinite potential within. Amrit Yoga cultivates inward focus and meditative awareness along with the practice of postures and pranayamas (the breath).
The practice of Amrit Yoga has the power to engage you totally, absorb you completely, and integrate you fully in your body, mind, heart and soul. It empowers you to enter the experience of unity and ecstasy which is integral to the experience of yoga. (amrityoga.org)

Amrit Vinyasa Yoga:
Connecting to your breath and deep stillness within we move with slow, conscious movements from one posture to the next. Keeping an unbroken stream of attention on every movement and accompanying sensation. In this class we do breathwork, sun salutations, Hatha yoga postures and close the class with yoga nidra. You may even experience the blissful sounds of crystal bowls or flute.

Hatha Yoga
A yoga class that incorporates body, breath, and relaxation to create healing benefits for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Based on Sri Satchidananda’s Integral Hatha Yoga style, we integrate stillness and movement through poses that guide the body gently in all directions, engage focus for strength and balance and find peace through connection to the stillness and clarity that’s always within us.

Sivananda Yoga:
Sivananda is a classical style of hatha yoga. This sequence of 12 basic asanas are practiced so that each asana prepares you for the next. Forward bends are followed by backbends and emphasis is placed on synchronizing the breath with the movements. This class will also include some modern varifications such as “release of the Psoas” and is suitable for all levels.

Yin Yoga:
Yin Yoga is a style of yoga in which poses (Asanas) are held for longer periods in order to focus on the joints, and connective tissues, to provide deep stretch to muscles, and to promote a balanced approach to yoga practice. Yin Yoga combines the meridians of acupuncture with yoga for deep, prolonged stretch to promote healthy joints and body. Yin yoga can be challenging due to the long holds in the postures (asanas) but there are many health benefits for increasing flexibility and well being. All yoga practitioners should include yin yoga in their regular practice for the benefits it provides.

Beginning/Intermediate Yoga
Join Pam as she weaves a varied sequence of breathwork, tapping, stretches, standing shapes, short flows and many other stress alleviating techniques. Prepare to be playfully guided using breath, alignment and anatomy. Her cue’s will help you remain present so that each expression is felt completely. If you have a request, she will add it to the day’s practice! Suitable for all bodies including seniors, veterans and YOU!

Iyengar Yoga:
Iyengar Yoga is a type of Hatha Yoga and was developed by B.K.S. Iyengar. Iyengar Yoga is a disciplined system with carefully planned and timed sequences. Often props, such as blocks and belts, are used to ensure students can practice the postures with correct alignment and safely develop their yoga practice over time.

Gentle Yoga & Legs up the Wall
In this blissfull relaxing class we focus on slow easy stretches using bolsters, blocks and straps. Standing for a few postures then lying on your mat with legs up the wall for around 20 minutes to stretch legs and hips. Closing the class with yoga nidra.

Chair Yoga:
Chair Yoga involves doing a yoga sequence while sitting in or standing near a chair. This is a great class for you if you have limited physical abilities. This class will enhance flexibility of the joints and spine, improve balance, and increase strength and stamina.

Guided Yoga Nidra:
It requires neither years of difficult practice nor intellectual understanding of its mystical powers. All it requires is focus of attention and an abiding trust in the process of revelation through direct experience. It is a unique combination of alert awareness and deep relaxation. Yoga Nidra is one of the most effective and least explored techniques to unleash the power within. It relieves us from the stress of daily life and reveals the deeper meaning of our lives. The literal translation of nidra is sleep. However, Yoga Nidra is a dynamic state, not the unconscious sleep of nighttime. While ordinary sleep can renew the body and refresh the mind, it cannot alter your unconscious programming. (amrityoga.org)

Hatha Flow Yoga
Balance effort & ease with measured breathing and sustained physical postures. This all-levels class will allow you to focus the mind, truly feel into the body, and connect with the flow of energy.